The Benefits of Homeopathy 

How It Works

Healthy Medicine

Homeopathy is one of the most widely used forms of medicine in the world today.

More and more people are discovering the benefits of this system of medicine that is safe, effective.

Homeopathy is holistic which means it treats the whole body and individualised which means it treats each person as a unique individual.

Homeopathy can treat mental, emotional and physical illness.

Homeopathy is not new – it’s been around for over 200 years!  A German doctor and chemist called Samuel Hahnemann developed the system of medicine we now call homeopathy.

Homeopathy for All

Homeopathy can be used effectively by everyone – babies and children, adults, women during pregnancy.

Homeopathic medicines promote the body’s natural ability to heal.  When prescribed appropriately, they are safe, non-toxic and non-addictive.

They can be taken alongside drugs prescribed by your doctor and will not interfere with their beneficial action.  As your condition improves, you may be able to safely reduce your conventional medication, thereby avoiding the unwanted effects that sometimes accompany the long-term use of drugs.

NB: you should always consult with your GP before making changes to your conventional medication.

How Homeopathy Works

Homeopathy works on a principle known as ‘the law of similars’ or ‘like cures like’.

For example, coffee – or Coffea as it is known in Latin – is a known a stimulant that can cause temporary insomnia.  But Coffea (coffee made into a homeopathic remedy) can be used in tiny, potentised (i.e. homeopathic) doses to relieve that insomnia.

Another example is the onion – Allium cepa.  Chopping onions can cause your eyes to water and your nose to run.  Allium cepa can be used homeopathically to treat colds and hayfever where the main symptoms include watery eyes and runny nose.

How Homeopathic Medicines are Made

To make a homeopathic remedy, first the substance is diluted, then shaken and banged vigorously. This is known as  as succussion.  The substance can be diluted and succussed many times, and this process is called potentisation.

Hahnemann saw that potentisation made the medicines more effective and reduced the likelihood of unwanted effects.

Each new homeopathic medicine undergoes a particular process called a ‘proving’.  Volunteers or ‘provers’ take the new substance until they experience symptoms.  All symptoms that result from taking the substance are recorded in detail.  A huge variety of natural substances have been tested for their healing properties and have been added to the homeopathic pharmacy.

Unlike orthodox drugs, homeopathic medicines are not tested on animals.  Only on healthy humans!

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